Category Archives: vimperator

Vimperator – Move tabs

To move tabs in vimperator use :tabm +1 and :tabm -1 to move relatively to its position forward and backward, respectively. And it can be mapped like in Luakit to nmap > :tabm +1 nmap < :tabm -1

Vimperator pin tab

It’s easy to pin a tab in vimperator with :set apptab=true and to unpin with :set apptab=false So it’s quite advisable to include a map in ~/.vimperatorrc as nmap x :set apptab=true nmap :set apptab=false See

Vimperator – Set external editor

External editor in Vimperator can be called with default , and the default is gvim -f It can be changed in ~/.vimperatorrc with, for example, xterm -e vim See :help editor and