To define colors in tikz, \draw[color={rgb:red,4;green,2;yellow,1},ultra thick, rounded corners] (0.12,0.00); or \draw[black!40!green,ultra thick, rounded corners] (0.12,0.00) rectangle (0.28,1.00);
To move tabs in vimperator use :tabm +1 and :tabm -1 to move relatively to its position forward and backward, respectively. And it can be mapped like in Luakit to nmap > :tabm +1 nmap < :tabm -1
It’s easy to pin a tab in vimperator with :set apptab=true and to unpin with :set apptab=false So it’s quite advisable to include a map in ~/.vimperatorrc as nmap x :set apptab=true nmap :set apptab=false See
External editor in Vimperator can be called with default , and the default is gvim -f It can be changed in ~/.vimperatorrc with, for example, xterm -e vim See :help editor and
To make foot frame numbers bigger: “You can set the page number in head/foot font; a little example using size=\large: \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage{xcolor} \usetheme{Goettingen} \useinnertheme{circles} \beamertemplatenavigationsymbolsempty \setbeamerfont{page number in head/foot}{size=\large} \setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number] \begin{document} \frame{ \frametitle{test} test } \end{document} That’s it” (
pmount is a mount wrapper for mounting external devices and partitions without the need to create a mount point and to become root (through sudo). The most simple usage is pmount which will mount (/dev/sdX) on mount point /media/
When partitioning disks, there are several things to take into account. 1. The partition table (Gnu parted) 2. The filesystem (resize2fs, ntfsresize) 3. The partitions (fdisk) 2- Redhat – Storage Administration Guide 2-3 Partedmagic – Cli partitioning 2-3 Ubuntu help – Install a new hard drive Resize a partition and filesystem Partedmagic – Cli partitioning […]
I found a way to make firefox website’s rendering more relaxed for the eye. A solarized theme css, found at, Solarized dark everywhere. It can be installed in Abrowser (Trisquel’s rebranded version of Firefox) as a Greasemonkey script. Here is the script from the author thedude: /* AGENT_SHEET */ @-moz-document url-prefix(http://), url-prefix(https://), url-prefix(ftp://), url-prefix(file://), […]