rename: batch renames filenames

rename is a cli program to change filenames to a list of files.

It can search for regexp and change them by others. First do a dry run:

rename -n ‘s/\(//g’ $1; rename -n ‘s/\)//g’ $1; rename -n ‘y/A-Z/a-z/’ $1; rename -n ‘s/ /./g’ $1; rename -n ‘s/\.-\./-/g’ $1; }

and if everything is alright, the execute it:

rename ‘s/\(//g’ $1; rename ‘s/\)//g’ $1; rename ‘y/A-Z/a-z/’ $1; rename ‘s/ /./g’ $1; rename ‘s/\.-\./-/g’ $1; }

apt-file: find which files are installed where and by what package

apt-file is a program to find what package installed some file, and where it was installed.


It’s a great p2p network client. It can connect to the edonkey network, but also to kademlia, directconnect, filetp, bittorrent.

It has a cli interface (mlnet or mldonkey), but can be controled by a web interface (visit “localhost:4080” in your browser) and there is also a gtk interface (mlgui)

vdirsyncer + khal + khard

This set of tools allow to manage caldav and carddav collections from the cli.

vdirsyncer is the one that syncs the collections.

khal is used to visualise the .ics calendar files

khard manages the .vcf contact files

To install vdirsyncer the “easy and clean” way,

pipsi install vdirsyncer

And be sure to have lixml2-dev, libxlst-dev and python-xx-dev installed.

SSH agent

To store an ssh key in the cache for the current session,

pgrep ssh-agent

If there is no ssh-agent instance


and finally

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Manually install kernel in Debian derivatives


If your on a 64-bit installation download the following packages (or the latest kernel):


You can get these packages from (you’ll need to locate the directory that says linux-source-3.14.1-gnu, but the 3.14.1 part may be newer):

Then open a terminal and run:

sudo dpkg -i *deb


sudo update-grub2

gnupg cache

In order to have gnupg cache your passwords from gpg-agent, you must set



and in


default-cache-ttl 3600 (min)
max-cache-ttl 3600 (min)

which is the time the password will be kept in the cache, and the maximum time it can be kept.

Matrix screensaver

In Trisquel (and ubuntu-derivates), the xscreensaver-gl package brings the Matrix screensaver, among others, which can be set up from xscreensaver

Gtk dark themes

DeLorean-Dark-Theme-3.6 vs.2.56


DeLorean-Dark-Theme-3.6 – Firefox-Theme 1.0

They can be selected from, for example, LXappearance, wich has very few dependencies, or from ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini

Bookmark social network

The Autistici/Inventati project have a Bookmarking social network based on Scuttle.

It might be used in Firefox-based browsers (Icecat/Iceweasel/Abrowser) through the Scuttle addon